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We Love You!

Thank you to those who have stood by us and will stand with us on our special day!

Parent's of the Bride

Brian and Connie Jewell

Mom and Dad, I don't think there are enough words to explain the amount of love and gratitude we feel. Everything you do for us and the boys is more than appreciated. We are truly grateful for your endless love and guidance in this life. Through the hurdles of parenthood and so much more, we would be lost without you. Thank you for everything you do and thank you for being by our side on our special day. Love you more than all the water in the sea!

Brian and Connie will also be celebrating their 33rd Wedding Anniversary on our Wedding Day, November 12th! This was a complete coincidence and awesome at that! Happy Anniversary mom and dad! We love you so much!

Parent's of the Groom

David and Rebecca Klepper

Mom and Dad, nothing makes us more happy than to be able to share our special day with you both. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts for always being so supportive of us and our boys. Thank you for all of your help and guidance. We appreciate everything you do and have done for us since day one. We love you both from the depths of our souls.

Maid of Honor

Amy Moon

Amy is such a fun loving and beautiful soul. She has been Danielle's best friend since 2007 when they worked at Buffalo Wild Wings together. Right from the start, they were just two peas in a pod. Amy and Danielle have always been there for one another whether near or far and will never let anything or anyone come between them. They shared many moments together of fun, joy, tears, laughter and support. They just get each other and Danielle couldn't think of anyone better to be her Maid of Honor. Amy you are the Cristina Yang to Danielle's Meredith Grey. You will always be Danielle's "Person."

Best Man

Gavin Glevicky

Gavin is like a brother to Darik and always has been ever since their teenage years. Gavin and Darik have been best friends since the early 2000's and Darik often says that Gavin played a huge role in the pivotal years of needing someone to look up to. Gavin is the definition of a true best man and we consider him and his family like our own. Gavin is also Oliver's God Dad and we wouldn't have it any other way.


Stefanie Glevicky

Stefanie is Gavin's wife and has been like a sister to Dani and Darik since the beginning. Dani and Stef hit it off right from the start and always enjoy their time visiting together. Stefanie and Gavin both made Dani feel so loved and welcome right from the start. Stefanie is also Oliver's God Mother. We love you and are so grateful for you Stefanie!


Sean Lewis

Sean is Darik's brother from another mother and Oliver and Darin's "Uncle Sean." Sean has been a very large part of Darik's life since Darik moved down to Cincinnati in his adolescent years. He was the first friend that Darik met when he moved here. From aggressive inline skating to dance clubs and the car scene, Sean has always been considered family. Sean also welcomed Dani with open arms and brotherly love from the start. We couldn't ask for a better friend and brother to us. Thank you for always being such a huge part of our lives Sean!


Diana Smith

Diana is the sister Darik never had. The same now applies to Dani. Diana has always been Darik's rock in a hard place. His confidant and his guide. They met through many of the same friend groups and have been like brother and sister ever since. Diana has seen Darik through many ups and downs and guided him in times when he literally had no one on his side. Diana welcomed Dani with open arms and all the love when Darik and Dani's flame ignited. She took the role of big sis to the both of us and has been by our side from day one. We are so grateful we get to exchange our vows with our sister by our side.


Brad Humphries

Brad has been one of Darik's closest friends since the early 2000's. From the night club days to now, they have always been there for each other no matter what or who has tried to come between them. Darik has always had nothing but the up most respect for Brad and his dedication to their friendship. Brad is a wonderful friend and we are more than grateful to have him stand by us on our big day!


Crystal Klein

Crystal is not only an amazing friend to Dani, but also her leader and mentor. They met through work at EVO B2B when Dani was originally a Sales Development Rep and a year later, Crystal hired Dani as an Onboarding Operations Specialist when the opportunity arose. Since then, Dani has been more than grateful for not only her guidance as a mentor, but also her loyalty and friendship. Dani looks up to Crystal in more ways than just work and feels so blessed to have her stand with her on her wedding day! Thank you Crystal... for everything!


Michael Weiss

We honestly can't say enough thanks to Michael. Not only is he a long time wonderful friend to Darik, but during the beginning of Darik and Dani's relationship, Mike was there in so many ways for the both of them. Not only rooting them on, but also guiding them through some forever love trials. The amount connection Darik and Dani had for one another was literally frightening. They both had never felt this type of love for anyone and it honestly scared them to the point of running. Michael was such a wonderful unbiased friend on some pretty late and lonely nights helping them understand that their love was meant to be.
Thank you for always standing in our corner Mike! We love you and will always be eternally grateful for your friendship.


Stefanie Williams

Dani and Stefanie are not only really great friends, but also coworkers. They are the definition of a team! Stef is the other half and team lead of the EVO B2B Applications department along with Dani. With their mentor and leader Crystal, they all three make one heck of a powerful trio. Stef has become a very important friend in Dani's life. Not only do they work together but they spend more time together than any friends probably ever do. They run one heck of a tight department for EVO and they kick Apps! :) Stef and Dani have a wonderful balance of work and play. They are always there for one another in times of happiness, excitement and even in tough times and frustration. Dani is so blessed to have such an amazing friend and coworker in Stef. She values their friendship so much and couldn't have asked for a better friend to stand with her on her special day.

Stef is also getting married in October, so a very big shout out and congrats to Stef and Paul on their upcoming wedding!!!


Adam Issacs

Adam and Darik really became close several years ago when they began their DJ duo venture as "The Sound Guys." They were running a series of House Music shows called Sound Saturday's during a time when the music scene was being very "cliquish." They had always been friends, but this brought them closer together with a bond that is absolutely unbreakable. Adam and Dani have also been friends from Djing shows at The Mad Frog for a long time.
Darik and I couldn't be more blessed to have you stand with us on our big day, Adam. We love and value your friendship like no other. Thank you for always being such a light in our lives.


Jemma Glevicky

Miss Jemma is our Jr. Bridesmaid and the daughter of Gavin and Stefanie Glevicky. She is the cutest little goof ball ever and a day away from being Dani's birthday twin. This little firecracker has pulled at Dani and Darik's heart strings since day one. Her personality just lights up the room and if you know her, you know what we are talking about. She definitely has her mother's endless beauty and her father's silly nature. We love you Jemma!


Darin Klepper

Darin is our sweet and handsome Jr. Groomsman. He is Darik's oldest and his absolute pride and joy. Dani took on the role of step-mom from the moment Darin entered their lives and she couldn't feel more blessed to have such a wonderful, smart and talented son brought into her life. We love you so much Darin. You are growing into such a wonderful young man and we are always so proud of you. We can't wait to have you stand with us for our special day! - Love Danielle & Dad

Flower Girl

Aurora Cheatham

Little Miss Aurora is Darin's sister and just the sweetest little ball of sass that you will ever meet. Aurora and Oliver are always besties when all the kiddos get together. From roller skating to playing on playgrounds at sporting events, she is always a delight to have around. Aurora loves Paw Patrol and getting creative with Playdoh! Who doesn't! :) We are so blessed to have the blended family dynamic we have with the Cheatham's and look forward to many more great memories in the making with all the kids as they grow. Aurora we are so excited to have you in our Wedding! We hope you are excited too!

Ring Bearer

Oliver Klepper

Oliver Dean is our Ring Bearer and the product of Darik and Dani's true love. A true stubborn miracle from God, he is our strong-willed music man. Oliver is such a brilliant, sweet and funny little guy who loves his mommy and daddy to the moon and back and his Memaw's and Papaw's (on both sides) more than all the water in the sea. He is always so full of smiles and laughter. We love you Ollie Pants and so blessed you get to witness mommy and daddy's special moment.


Peggy Brooks

Peggy is the mother of our great friend Jason Brooks. We consider the Brooks family like our second family. Through music, Dani became great friends with Jason in the early 2000's. Peggy also known as "Mamagroove" has always been there to support her son's passion for the music and our music scene as a whole. She became Mamagroove to all who knew her and went to all In The Groove events. Peggy, we are so blessed to have you share this special moment with us and help solidify our vows before God. Thank you for always being there!